About Cat Cosmetics
Welcome to Cat Cosmetics!
My name is Cat (short for Catherine)
I am a child of the sixties.
When I was a little girl, I remember spending hours in my mothers closet and thinking that she had the coolest clothes on Earth. They were the kind of clothes I would imagine wearing one day. I also noticed that everything she had never really went out of style. She was a style guru. She taught me that classics were worth it because they never went out of style.
My Mom was a beautiful woman who had the best of the best on her bathroom counter. Even when times were hard, she always kept up her skin care and makeup.
Oh! The skincare! They were like pots of gold to me!
And now, my skincare are like pots of gold to me. She inspired me to make the BEST.
Mom’s makeup was even more fun to play with, and I played with it endlessly. She was a classic beauty and even though she wore quite a lot of make-up, she never looked over-done. All of the many colors on her counter in her collection made sense. Lucky for me, she let me experiment with her cosmetics and skincare to my hearts content.
I started wearing makeup when I was 14, and I don't mean just a little lipstick, I mean full-on makeup. I had a cool mom and she let me get away with it, partly because I always did a beautiful job of applying it, and partly because she didn't want a rebel on her hands. I expressed my artsy self through makeup and brushes. Only I didn't use a canvas. My canvas was my fourteen year old face. She recognized what it did for my self-esteem to look girly, even though I was tom-boyish in every other way.
I was into face as art and creativity was in my blood, so no one in my world was surprised when I went into the entertainment business at an early age.
As far back as I can remember, I dressed and made myself up as if I were already a star. I believed, without doubt, that it was my destiny.
Remember, you are what you think.
Today, Cat Cosmetics is inspired by that incredible era of the 60's, because in my opinion, the colors and the techniques will never go out of style; and for me, style is a matter of what makes a person feel great about themselves.
I will carry on that tradition here for every woman, everywhere, because beauty is nothing more and nothing less than what you feel beautiful wearing, not which eye shadow is in this season. I am not a trend girl. I am a "wear what looks amazing on you" girl. This is why I am committed to creating and finding products that every woman, no matter what her age, will feel inspired in when she wears it.
I offer products that are fool-proof, top quality, long wearing, and, at a sensible price. Affordable luxury and quality!
I guarantee Cat Cosmetics will make you feel more beautiful than you have ever felt, and I guarantee other people will notice it too, because when you feel beautiful, everyone sees it.
My mission is simple. To have you love what you see in the mirror…inside, and out. Because when we look better, we feel better and we do better.
That is my wish for you. Let's start today!
We’re not getting older, we’re getting better!
So Come on..Get Your Fire Back!
Love Always,
P.S. I still dance in my undies! ;-)